About Us


  • Guangzhou WeiLin Jewelry Distributors wholesale inlaid jewelry, high-end silver jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, etc., and occupies a relatively stable position in the consumer market. WeiLin Jewelry Distributors have reasonable prices. According to the market positioning of different mid-to-high-end brands, combined with international trends, we provide popular and fashionable accessories corresponding to the styles of each brand, and provide global best-selling products. The product quality has passed the factory quality inspection, the retail price is reasonable, and you can enjoy the wholesale price if you buy more than 5. Please leave a message to contact customer service for purchase
  • Our mission
  • To provide first-class services to the society and create a happy and beautiful life for employees. At the same time, our team provides a broad development platform for each employee to give full play to their talents. It is a place where employees realize their life value and a place where employees create a happy life.
  • Our vision:
  • In order to provide customers with high-quality products, we specifically look for companies with professional knowledge to cooperate and select the best materials. Not only that, we have formed a small team and accumulated a lot of experience in order to better serve our customers again and again. It is the joint efforts of our team that make our products truly unique. We are lucky that you have chosen WeiLin for online shopping! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service staff.
  • Our Service:
  • We have a service team that closely monitors the entire sales process. The team is always ready to assist you with returns and exchanges and listen to your complaints. Thank you for choosing us again!
  • What are your concerns?
  • Our 24/7 customer service is always here to help you. You can easily find our friendly customer advisors through this website live chat, message, Facebook, Instagram, email or phone. Once you contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • We want to hear from you. You can always give us feedback and let us know about your experience.
  • Email: cl18676622522@gmail.com

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